THE SIREN OF IRENE, theatre on location.

For the Over het IJ Theater festival, I wrote and directed a monologue that was performed in a sea container. The performance was inspired by something David Foster Wallace said in an interview once:
“(...) since to be really human is probably to be unavoidably sentimental and naive and goo-prone and generally pathetic.”
The Siren of Irene is about people on a short leish by their own consciousness.
A music spectacle about the maddening monologue in your own head. But above all, a play about a large group of young people who have been adhered to irony.
I was blessed with actress
Maya Mertens who performed and composed music for the Siren of Irene. Listen to the soundtrack Aldi Lidl Tranen on spotify.

The Siren of Irene toured throughout the country and was nominated for the incentive prize De Troffel at theatre festival Cement. The jury on The Siren of Irene: “we were charmed by the textual sensitivity, visual richness and self-relativity of this writer/director. She brings the search for the relationship between man and our own brain with humour in a poetic, ironic and interesting way. Her starting point certainly has great urgency in these liquid times.”